Cloth Config API 1.20.6, 1.19.4, 1.16.5, 1.15.2 (Technical Library)

Cloth Config API is a technical library from the developer shedaniel that is required for some mods to work. By itself, the mod to Minecraft does not add anything and does not change in the game, it needs to be installed only if some mod requires it.

Cloth Config API for Minecraft

Benefits for Mod Developers

  • Ease of Use: Simplifies the process of creating configuration screens, allowing developers to focus on the core functionality of their mods.
  • Enhanced User Experience: Provides users with an easy and convenient way to configure mods, improving overall satisfaction.
  • Flexibility: Offers a high degree of customization, enabling developers to create unique and engaging interfaces.
  • Community Support: Backed by a robust community, with extensive documentation and examples available to assist developers.

Overall, the Cloth Config API is a valuable tool for Minecraft mod developers, streamlining the creation of in-game configuration screens and enhancing the user experience.


Cloth Config API Screenshot

How to install Cloth Config API:

  1. Download and install Minecraft Forge / NeoForge / Fabric
  2. Download the mod
  3. Without unpacking copy to .minecraft\mods
  4. Done!

Download Cloth Config API Mod:

For 1.20.6 – 1.20.5 neoforge
cloth-config-14.0.126-neoforge-1.20.5.jar [1.10 Mb]

For 1.20.6 – 1.20.5 fabric
cloth-config-14.0.126-fabric-1.20.5.jar [1.09 Mb]

For 1.20.4 – 1.20.3
cloth-config-13.0.121-forge-1.20.4.jar [1.10 Mb]

For 1.20.4 – 1.20.3 neoforge
cloth-config-13.0.121-neoforge-1.20.4.jar [1.09 Mb]

For 1.20.4 – 1.20.3 fabric
cloth-config-13.0.121-fabric-1.20.4.jar [1.08 Mb]

For 1.20.2
cloth-config-12.0.119-forge-1.20.2.jar [1.09 Mb]

For 1.20.2 neoforge
cloth-config-12.0.119-neoforge-1.20.2.jar [1.09 Mb]

For 1.20.2 fabric
cloth-config-12.0.119-fabric-1.20.2.jar [1.08 Mb]

For 1.20.1 – 1.20
cloth-config-12.0.109-1.20.1-forge.jar [1.11 Mb]

For 1.20.1 – 1.20 fabric
cloth-config-11.1.106-1.20.1_1-fabric.jar [1.10 Mb]

For 1.19.4
cloth-config-10.1.117-forge-1.19.4.jar [1.11 Mb]

For 1.19.4 fabric
cloth-config-10.1.117-fabric-1.19.4.jar [1.10 Mb]

For 1.19.3
cloth-config-1.19.3-9.0.94-forge.jar [1.09 Mb]

For 1.19.3 fabric
cloth-config-1.19.3-9.0.94-fabric.jar [1.08 Mb]

For 1.19.2 / 1.19
cloth-config-8.2.88-1.19-forge.jar [1.09 Mb]

For 1.19.2 / 1.19 fabric
cloth-config-8.2.88-1.19-fabric.jar [1.07 Mb]

For 1.18.x
cloth-config-6.5.116-forge-1.18.2.jar [1.10 Mb]

For 1.18.x fabric
cloth-config-6.5.116-fabric-1.18.2.jar [1.09 Mb]

For 1.17.x
cloth-config-1.17-.1-v5.3.63.jar [1.06 Mb]

For 1.17.x fabric
cloth-config-1.17-.1-v5.3.63-fabric.jar [1.04 Mb]

For 1.16.5 / 1.16.4
cloth-config-1.16-4.14.54-forge.jar [1.39 Mb]

For 1.16.5 / 1.16.4 fabric
cloth-config-1.16-4.14.54-fabric.jar [1.04 Mb]

For 1.15.2
ClothConfig-2-3.0-1.15.x.jar [342 Kb]

For 1.15.2 fabric
ClothConfig-2-2.14.2-1.15.2-fabric.jar [372 Kb]

For 1.14.4
ClothConfig- [224 Kb]

For 1.14.4 fabric
ClothConfig-2-1.8-1.14.x-fabric.jar [304 Kb]