Interesting seed for Minecraft 1.13.x-1.15 whereby you at the very beginning of the game you can find a ship in the desert. This is a great chance to get a good loot without much effort. Right behind the ship you wil
Screenshot: By using this Minecraft seed you will find yourself on the edge of the mountain, but if you make a boat and sail to the east, you will find the village on the shores of the ocean. Near the village yo
Screenshots: By activating this seed in Minecraft 1.14.4 you will find yourself on the plain between red sand and an oak forest with mushroom villages. Under this forest you can find a large abandoned mine.
Screenshots: You appear in a fancy village, where you will notice that one of the inhabitants turned the ruins of the ship into a cozy house. Go further into the Minecraft 1.14 world, and you are waiting
Screenshots: This seed spawn you in a new village, which was added in version 1.14. The village is located in a dark forest and swamp. In addition to the residents living in the village Golem, and in the for