Dismount Entity Mod 1.19.3/1.18.2/1.16.5/1.12.2

Dismount Entity is a mod for Minecraft 1.19.3/1.12.2, which is a small tweak with special functions. It can be considered the same mod as Quality of Life, because its feature does not actually change the gameplay of the game, but is very welcome. The features of this add-on give players the ability to quickly drop any mobs from boats or minecarts.

Dismount Entity Mod for Minecraft

How it works?

The most common way in Minecraft to move a mob is usually via the Nether, and then a boat or cart can be used to move them. Once you get there, remove them from the boat or minecart, you will have to drop them and break the transport. However, with the Dismount Entity mod, you no longer need to break the boat and minecart. Just hover over a boat or minecart cart that has a creature on it and press Shift + RMB and the mob on it will be quickly dropped.


Dismount Entity Mod Screenshot
Dismount Entity Mod Screenshot 2

How to install Dismount Entity:

  1. Download and install Minecraft Forge / Fabric
  2. For 1.14.4 and higher: Download and install Collective
  3. Download the mod
  4. Without unpacking copy to .minecraft\mods
  5. Done!

Download Dismount Entity Mod:

For 1.19.3 forge / fabric / quilt
dismountentity-1.19.3-3.0-Forge-Fabric.jar [42.4 Kb]

For 1.19.2 forge / fabric / quilt
dismountentity-1.19.2-3.0-Forge-Fabric.jar [42.5 Kb]

For 1.18.2 forge / fabric / quilt
dismountentity-1.18.2-3.0-Forge-Fabric.jar [42.6 Kb]

For 1.18.1 / 1.18 forge
dismountentity-1.18.0-1.5.jar [4.75 Kb]

For 1.18.1 / 1.18 fabric
dismountentity-1.18.x-1.5-fabric.jar [4.82 Kb]

For 1.17.1 forge
dismountentity_1.17.1_1.5.jar [4.74 Kb]

For 1.17.1 fabric
dismountentity-1.17.x-1.5-fabric.jar [8.09 Kb]

For 1.16.5 / 1.16.4 forge
dismountentity_1.16.4_1.2.jar [4.55 Kb]

For 1.16.5 fabric
dismountentity-1.16.x-1.5-fabric.jar [8.08 Kb]

For 1.16.3 forge
dismountentity_1.16.3_1.2.jar [4.55 Kb]

For 1.16.2 forge
dismountentity_1.16.2_1.2.jar [4.54 Kb]

For 1.16.1 forge
dismountentity_1.16.1_1.2.jar [4.51 Kb]

For 1.15.2 forge
dismountentity_1.15_1.2.jar [4.52 Kb]

For 1.14.4 forge
dismountentity_1.14_1.2.jar [4.51 Kb]

For 1.13.2 forge
dismountentity_1.13_1.0.jar [4.52 Kb]

For 1.12.2 forge
dismountentity_1.12_1.0.jar [4.98 Kb]