Always Drop Loot Mod 1.18.1, 1.17.1, 1.15.2, 1.12.2

Always Drop Loot is a simple mod that will fix one feature in Minecraft game – now loot and experience from mobs will drop out in any case, and not only from the player’s actions. Should he fall from a height or into lava, he will still leave behind experience and some things.

Always Drop Loot Mod for Minecraft


Always Drop Loot Mod Screenshot

How to install Always Drop Loot:

  1. Download and install Minecraft Forge / Fabric
  2. Download the mod
  3. Without unpacking copy to .minecraft\mods
  4. Done!

Download Always Drop Loot Mod:

For 1.18.1 / 1.18
alwaysdroploot- [9.00 Kb]

For 1.17.1
alwaysdroploot-1.17.1-0.3-FINAL.jar [9.44 Kb]

For 1.17.1 fabric
alwaysdroploot-5.1.0mc1.17.1-fabric.jar [13.7 Kb]

For 1.15.2 fabric
alwaysdroploot_4.0.0mc1.15.2_fabric.jar [17.0 Kb]

For 1.14.4 fabric
alwaysdroploot_3.6.0mc1.14.4_fabric.jar [16.9 Kb]

For 1.13.2
alwaysdroploot_1.13.2_2.0.0.jar [3.25 Kb]

For 1.12.2
alwaysdroploot_1.12.2_1.0.1.jar [4.14 Kb]