Dimensional Doors Mod 1.18.2/1.17.1/1.12.2 (New Dimensions and Worlds)

Dimensional World mod will add new dimensions and new worlds to Minecraft game. The mod adds various blocks with which you can build teleports, create dimensions and dimensions within dimensions. Also, new treasures created by this mod appear in the world, find a portal to it, go through a cave with traps and get a good reward.

Dimensional Doors Mod for Minecraft

These are not ordinary doors, but doors that lead to otherworldly dimensions! Legend has it that Herobrine can be found there. In addition to these doors, the mod also adds a number of other features that help the player manipulate reality by cracking and sending him to other worlds where he has never been.


Dimensional Doors Mod Screenshot
Dimensional Doors Mod Screenshot 2
Dimensional Doors Mod Screenshot 3
Dimensional Doors Mod Screenshot 4

Mod Showcase:

How to install Dimensional Doors:

  1. Download and install Minecraft Forge / Fabric
  2. For 1.17.1 and higher: Download and install GeckoLib
  3. Download the mod
  4. Without unpacking copy to .minecraft\mods
  5. Done!

Download Dimensional Doors Mod:

For 1.18.2 fabric
DimensionalDoors-1.18.2-4.0.4.jar [10.6 Mb]

For 1.17.1 fabric
DimensionalDoors-1.17.1-4.0.0.jar [10.4 Mb]

For 1.17 fabric
DimensionalDoors-1.17-4.0.0beta.2-fabric.jar [10.3 Mb]

For 1.12.2 forge
DimensionalDoors-1.12.2-3.1.2.jar [9.12 Mb]

For 1.7.10 forge
DimensionalDoors-1.7.10-2.2.5-test9.jar [3.83 Mb]